Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı

Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı

Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı

Prof. Dr. Huriye Martı

Vice President of Religious Affairs


She was born in Ankara in 1974. After graduating from Konya Imam-Khatib High School and Selçuk University Faculty of Theology, she completed her master's degree at the same university in 1998 with her thesis titled “Rasûlullah’ın Hanımları Konu Alan Rivayetlerinin Değerlendirmesi-Kadın Konulu Uydurma Rivayetler (The Evaluation of the Narrations of the Messenger of Allah on the Subject of Women - Fabricated Narrations on the Subject of Women)” and her doctorate in 2005 with her thesis titled “Birgili Mehmed Efendi’nin Hadisçiliği ve et-Tarîkatü’l-Muhammediyye (Tahkik ve Tahlil) Birgili Mehmed Efendi as a Hatidh Scholar and al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyye (Investigation and Analysis)”. Between 1999 and 2000, she studied at Shuayb al-Arnaoud Tahqiq and Tahrij Center in Amman, the capital of Jordan. In 2011, she became an Assistant Professor, in 2012 an Associate Professor and in 2017 a Professor. She worked as an editor and writer in the Hadith Project published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs under the name of Islam with Hadiths. In 2011, she was appointed as the Head of the Family and Religious Guidance Department of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, in 2014 as the Advisor to the Presidency of Religious Affairs, and in 2017 as the Vice President of Religious Affairs. She authored articles, conferences and communiqués on women, family, ethics and values from the perspective of Sunnah.


“Birgivî Mehmed Efendi, Hayatı, Eserleri ve Fikir Dünyası”,


“Osmanlı’da Bir Dâru’l-Hadîs Şeyhi: Birgivî Mehmed Efendi”,


“et-Tarîkatü’l-Muhammediyye -Muhteva Analizi, Kaynakları ve Kaynaklık Değeri”,


“Gülâbâdî ve Maâni'l-Ahbâr'dan Tasavvufî Hadis Şerhleri”,


“Hadis, Usul ve Hayat” ,


“Hadis Usulünün Öncesi ve Ötesi”


“Hadisler Ekseninde Çevre Ahlâkı”,


“Aile İçi Şiddetle Mücadelede Nebevi Sünnetten Referanslar”


 “Hakları ve Saygınlığıyla İslam’da Kadın”


 “Dünü ve Bugünüyle İslam’da Mahremiyet” isimli kitapları yayınlandı.


She is married and mother of three.