“Gaza is an intifada of humanity against the brutal Zionism of the millions who took to the streets for Palestine”

“Gaza is an intifada of humanity against the brutal Zionism of the millions who took to the streets for Palestine”

Thursday, November 30, 2023

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş said, "The millions who took to the streets for Gaza and Palestine are essentially an intifada of humanity against the brutal Zionism that feeds on blood. We need to keep this intifada alive, grow and strengthen it on every platform."

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

“Gazze, Filistin için sokaklara dökülen milyonlar vahşi Siyonizm’e karşı insanlığın bir intifadasıdır”

The 43rd Provincial Muftis Consultation Meeting started in Antalya under the chairmanship of President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş.

President Erbaş wished that the meeting would be beneficial in his speech at the opening.

Pointing out that the world is under siege of huge social, cultural, political, and economic crises and is going through one of the most difficult periods in history, President Erbaş stated that we are in an agenda where human life, dignity and law are disregarded, the strong oppress the weak, and blood-curdling images break the heart.

“Those who committed genocide against them are now supporting them to commit genocide”

Pointing out that Palestine is again being subjected to unjust, unlawful, and ruthless attacks by the occupying Israel, President Erbaş continued his words as follows:

Al-Quds and its surroundings, which were Darussalam in the exact meaning for centuries under the rule of Muslims, are today the scene of suffering that shatters the conscience of humanity because of the 75-year occupation of Zionism. To put it more clearly, a Zionist terrorist organization is committing murders in front of the entire world. Israel, the occupying power, is committing a genocide in the truest sense of the word. In Gaza, the Western Bank, Al-Quds, and all other Palestinian cities, it is trying to destroy a nation altogether. They are taking revenge for the genocide they experienced in the past, as if Muslims had done it to them. But those who committed genocide against them are now supporting them to commit genocide. It is incomprehensible.

Palestinian babies meet death before they see the light of day. Tens of thousands of innocent people are crying out and dying under the rubble. The cries of mothers with their lifeless babies in their arms make the firmament tremble. Hundreds of families are being destroyed with all their members in front of the eyes of the world.”

“The West, which has trampled on all values, is now bankrupt”

Expressing that all international organizations, especially the UN, are content to watch the violence, President Erbaş talked as "I condemned that the USA and European countries are making statements of unconditional support for the massacres committed by Israel. In the face of such brutality, the West, which has trampled on all the values it claims to defend, is now bankrupt."

Stating that the leaders of some power centres that have given full support to Israel since the occupation of Palestine belong to the same superstition, President Erbaş talked as "As I have just stated, there is Evangelism, that is, Christian Zionism, behind Jewish Zionism, which has dragged the whole world into disaster. That is why the brutal slaughter of innocent children of Gaza does not make sense to them. Because concepts such as right, law, morality and conscience are only tools used to guarantee the interests of Zionism in their lexicon. We must know that they will not be satisfied with Gaza, Al-Quds, and Palestine. They will continue to make the whole earth uninhabitable in pursuit of their perverted beliefs."

President Erbaş said that the greatest misfortune of the age is that a global system of exploitation, which paves the way for oppression, injustice, massacres, and genocides, surrounds life in every field.

"The universal truths of Islam are the greatest opportunity for humanity"

Underlining that the most fundamental problem of humanity today is global racist imperialism, President Erbaş used the following expression, "Therefore, it is necessity to bring the world to a new morality, law and civilization. Today, the global innocent conscience, polluted by cruelty and evil, needs to be treated. Undoubtedly, the universal truths of Islam are the greatest opportunity for humanity at this point. Islam is a system that addresses not only Muslims but also all people and aims to bring all people to peace, tranquillity and happiness."

Indicating that Islam is a religion of peace and well-being that defends and tries to keep the same universal values alive for everyone all over the world, President Erbaş talked as "As a matter of fact, under the auspices of a noble civilization built with the truths of Islam, it has gained experience of living in peace and security for centuries in a huge geography extending from Transoxiana to Andalusia, from the Indian Subcontinent to Western Sahara. The Islamic geography has been the scene of the best examples of living together with all its differences, regardless of religion, language, race and sect, and history is a witness to this."

Pointing out that it is possible to make the world a fairer, more peaceful, and safer place, President Erbaş said, "For this, Muslims should understand the values of faith and civilization and work for the construction of a bright future with determination and hope. They need to get rid of the feeling of oppression and mobilize their means with courage and self-confidence. Muslims need to abandon meaningless discussions and produce strong policies with the awareness of unity."

“We must be vigilant against sedition and division”

Indicating that our nation's world of faith and emotion should be equipped with authentic religious knowledge based on the Holy Quran and sunnah, President Erbaş talked as "We have to make our nation's feelings of unity, solidarity and brotherhood strongest, and we have to be vigilant against sedition and division. From Andalusia to Baghdad, the greatest danger and destruction for Muslims in every period of history has been sedition and division."

Stating that the awareness of Al-Quds should be strengthened, especially among young people, President Erbaş used the following expressions, "The cause of Al-Quds is a great cause. If there is a single young person, a single person in this land who is unaware of the cause of Al-Quds, the plague will be on all of us, and we should never forget this. This is a resurrection and I hope that the cause of Al-Quds and Palestine will be one of the elements that will be instrumental in the revival of the souls of young people."

Stating, "We must crown them with the love of struggle and struggle for religion, faith, homeland and holiness by directing the energy and excitement of our youth correctly," President Erbaş talked as "We must ensure that our young people gain the ability to act with the consciousness of amalgamation and unity in the face of all kinds of oppression and injustice."  

Drawing attention to the fact that they are in a world where a significant part of life is spent in digital media, President Erbaş used the following expression, "Although it provides numerous benefits in many areas such as reaching more people and obtaining information more quickly, the digital world also forms the basis for the emergence of many problems in individual and social dimensions. The immaculate feelings and thoughts of our youth and generations are mostly abused here. For this reason, it has great importance to produce services with an approach that takes into account the realities of the medium in question."

“We produce many services and content in digital media”

Emphasizing that there should be studies that will prevent young people and generations from getting lost in the unknowns of the virtual world, President Erbaş said, "Today, as the Presidency of Religious Affairs, we produce many services and content in digital media in order to know our religion and belief in the best way and to understand the processes that humanity goes through in the most accurate way."

President Erbaş stated that he will definitely answer for the cruelty committed by the oppressors both in this world and in the hereafter, and continued his words as follows:

"Today, we see that there is a sensitivity about the Palestinian issue all over the world, and the number of people who raise their voices against injustice is increasing day by day. This, of course, is promising for the future of humanity. The millions who took to the streets for Gaza and Palestine are essentially an intifada of humanity against brutal Zionism that feeds on blood. We need to keep this intifada alive, grow and strengthen it on every platform. It is up to us to stand resolutely against all kinds of cruelty, injustice and evil. As a matter of fact, no matter who is in our faith, to stand by the oppressed, let me say this so that it can be understood more clearly; even if the oppressor is a Muslim and the oppressed is a non-Muslim, we do not look at their beliefs, we stand with the oppressed. We save and protect that oppressed against the oppressor. This is what our faith commands.

Extending a hand to the needy, standing against oppression and oppressor, and fighting against evil and injustice are obligatory for every believer and can never be neglected. On the other hand, it is unlawful to remain insensitive to oppression and injustice, not to speak out against oppressors and traitors, to directly or indirectly support oppressors, occupiers, terrorists, murderers, and to support their supporters."

"This boycott must continue without interruption”

Stating that the Presidency of Religious Affairs has maintained all its means and efforts in this process, President Erbaş said, "We have decided to boycott companies that support the occupying Israel and we have invited our people to this boycott. This decision has received a profoundly serious response, but this must continue without interruption. From here, I address to you and to all our brothers and sisters to whom our voice reaches our entire nation through you; This boycott must continue without interruption."

Expressing his thanks to the Diyanet staff for their sacrifice during the February 6 earthquakes and President Erbaş said, "You have done so much self-sacrificing work that you have always whitewashed our faces. You have been instrumental in telling this picture of pride everywhere. May the Almighty Allah (swt) bless you."

GNAT Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş, Governor of Antalya Hulusi Şahin, Vice Presidents of Religious Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan İşleyen, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hilmi Karslı, Kadir Dinç and senior executives of Religious Affairs also attended the program.