"We must make the universal principles of our religion known to humanity in the face of the West's problematic perception of Islam"

"We must make the universal principles of our religion known to humanity in the face of the West's problematic perception of Islam"

Thursday, March 28, 2024

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş states, "In the face of the West's problematic perception of Islam, it is our most important responsibility to make the fundamental values and universal principles of our religion and civilization known to humanity."

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

“Batı’nın sorunlu İslam algısı karşısında, dinimizin evrensel ilkelerini insanlığa duyurmalıyız”

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş attended the fourth "International Forum on Media and Islamophobia" which was organized by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK).

"The invading oppressors supported by the world are killing children"

In his speech at the forum held at ATO Congresium with the theme "Media and Islamophobia in Global and Local Media Perspectives", President Erbaş made the following remarks: "Our hearts ache. While we are here thinking about how to realize Ramadan better, we are watching children, babies and women dying in Gaza under the bombardment of the invading tyrants who have the support of the world with both Islamophobic excuses and hostility to Islam... Our hearts cannot bear it."

"Almost two billion Muslims are unable to join forces and prevent oppression"

Reminding the hadith of our beloved Prophet (saw), “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand”, "We cannot change it with our hands as you see. Nearly two billion Muslims cannot join their forces, unable unite their minds and prevent this evil, this oppression. The bad ones unite, but the good ones cannot. Yet the verse is in front of us, alive, as if it is new: 'And hold firmly together to the rope of Allah and do not be divided.' This verse is valid until the judgment day, but we cannot do it.”

Stating that the peaceful environment in Al-Quds had ended after the Ottoman Empire, President Erbaş emphasized that the suffering, massacre, persecution, and captivity that started after the region came under British control continue.

Noting that they have been talking about anti-Islamism and Islamophobia for a long time, President Erbaş used the following expressions, "We also know that the hatred and hostility, slander and discrimination against Islam and Muslims exhibited by a mentality that sees itself at the center of history is not new and dates back centuries."

“Hostile attitude towards Muslims based on artificial fear”

Pointing out that in the Western world today, Islam is portrayed as a bigoted, closed to development, fearful and hateful religion, President Erbaş also stated, "Unfortunately, a large number of people are affected by these stereotypes and perception games, and a hostile attitude is taken against all Muslims by fuelling discrimination and cultural racism to the fullest with artificial fear and hate speech. Moreover, this violence is intended to be perpetuated by ignoring the existence of Muslims who want to adapt to the society they live in by preserving their own beliefs and values and by restricting even their most basic rights."

"Marginalizing and racist activities against Muslims continue without slowing down"

Pointing out that the media plays a major role in the West's ongoing discrimination, psychological pressure and physical attacks, President Erbaş talked as "The marginalizing and racist activities carried out against Muslims within the framework of the distorted image of Islam through the media, which has become a virtual fear production mechanism, continue without slowing down."

Underlining that thanks to the developments in information technologies, the media has gained the potential to play an important role in creating perceptions and images or changing perceptions and thoughts, President Erbaş used the following expressions "As a matter of fact, today, agendas can be set, new concepts can be produced, and new meanings can be attributed to these concepts through media tools. With the perception created through concepts, Islam and Muslims are tried to be condemned on a global scale."

"Saying that "Media is one of the most effective factors in the production and dissemination of hate speech, negative perceptions and behaviours against Islam and Muslims in the Western world today." President Erbaş pointed out that the moderators of the virtual world today dynamically use the internet and social media to make this violence alive and effective.

“A dignified and secure life is the right of all people, regardless of religion, language, race or gender”

Stating that the Islamic religion determines approaching every living being with compassion as the main principle of life, President Erbaş continued his words as follows:

“It has adopted the ideal level of human relations with society, the environment, and the whole world of existence. It has placed justice and mercy on the ground of human relations and declared peace and tranquillity on earth as the main goal. The purpose for which Islam was sent is for all people on earth to live in justice and peace. We see that this was at the centre of the Prophets' messages and invitations. A dignified and secure life is the most fundamental right of all people, regardless of their religion, language, race, or gender. This right can never be violated or neglected. For this reason, all differences should be seen as a cultural richness for living together. As long as they do not violate the rights of others, everyone has the right to live in society according to their own preferences. Our beloved Prophet (saw) addressed all humanity in his message. Therefore, conflictual discourse and actions, discrimination, violence, and hatred have no place in Islamic thought.”

"Our civilization is a civilization of peace and mercy that embraces all humanity"

Stating that as a matter of fact, Islam considers the human being as a valuable being, President Erbaş talked as "Our civilization, which has developed with the truths of Islam, is a civilization of peace, brotherhood and compassion that embraces all humanity. Freedom of belief, opinion and thought are the most obvious features of our civilization. For this reason, in the face of the West's problematic perception of Islam, it is our most important responsibility to announce the fundamental values and universal principles of our religion and civilization to humanity. While doing this, I would like to emphasize that we have to take into account the media element with its global and local dimensions and use the tools of the information age effectively."

“We need to bring the concepts of Christianismophobia and Judaismophobia to the agenda”

Indicating that the word Islamophobia is an excuse for hostility against Muslims, President Erbaş said, "It is not Muslims who are scaring the world today, but Zionist Christians. It is even Zionist Christians who provoke even Zionist Jews. Then there is no Islamophobia, there is Christianismophobia, Judaismophobia. Because we see the crimes committed by Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians in the world by joining forces, especially in Palestine and Gaza."

President of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) Ebubekir Şahin, Chief Public Auditor of Türkiye Şeref Malkoç, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism Dr. Batuhan Mumcu and Rector of Ankara Science University Prof. Dr. Yavuz Demir also attended the program.