“We must strengthen our unity and brotherhood “

“We must strengthen our unity and brotherhood “

Thursday, March 28, 2024

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş said, "As Muslims, we must develop a strong sense of solidarity and raise our voices together against injustice and oppression. As members of the same faith and civilization, we must first strengthen our unity and brotherhood among ourselves."

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

“Vahdet ve kardeşliğimizi güçlendirmeye mecburuz”

President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş came together with the ambassadors of Islamic countries in Ankara at the iftar program.

Giving a speech in the program hosted by the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Ankara, President Erbaş thanked the ambassadors for accepting their invitation.

Praying that the month of Ramadan will be conducive to goodness, beauty, abundance, and salvation all over the world, especially in Islamic lands, President Erbaş said, "Unfortunately, we enter the month of Ramadan with deep wounds in our hearts caused by the suffering in Palestine. Al-Quds, the ancient city of humanity, the Darussalam, the home of peace, is more sorrowful today than ever before. Masjid al-Aqsa, the sanctuary of Mi’raj, our first qibla, is more grieved than ever before."

Noting that Gaza, which has been turned into an open-air prison for years, has been experiencing unprecedented violence in front of the eyes of the world, President Erbaş said that Zionist murderers, who do not recognize any rules and moral principles, have been committing genocide in Gaza for months.

"The events in Gaza have clearly revealed the dysfunctionality of international structures in their current form"

President Erbaş stated that law, morality, conscience, and all human values have been under the rubble in Gaza and underlined that Zionism, which feeds on a distorted belief, a perverted ideology, and dirty politics, has become the biggest threat to humanity today.

Pointing out that there is a great need for a new international initiative to eliminate this threat, President Erbaş talked as follows: "The world is in need of a new construction of law and morality. Because what happened in Gaza today has clearly revealed the dysfunctionality of international structures in their current form. I once again strongly condemn all the perpetrators and supporters of this situation that shames humanity."

Indicating that the responsibility to put an end to the persecution and tragedies in Islamic geographies is primarily on the shoulders of Muslims, President Erbaş used the following expressions, "The salvation of Gaza, Al-Quds, East Turkistan and the oppressed and aggrieved people in different parts of the world depends on the unity of Muslims, their solidarity and cooperation in goodness, and their joint action against evil. This is because the enemies of Islam are encouraged by the disintegrated and divided image of Muslims. I wish that the month of Ramadan will be conducive to a new awakening and resurrection in this sense."

"In our belief and civilization, we do not look at the race of tears"

Expressing that today humanity is encountering gigantic problems on a global scale, President Erbaş continued, "While one part of the world lives a prosperous life, the other part unfortunately struggles with hunger, poverty, and famine. Cries of pain and tears are rising from many parts of the world. We are witnessing a period in which contradictions, conflicts, and inconsistencies surround people, societies, and states."

Saying "In our belief and civilization, we do not look at the race of tears.", President Erbaş continued his words as follows:

"The religion and belief of the oppressed and the victim are not considered. The color of the skin of those suffering from hunger and poverty is not considered. The language of the screams that make the heaven tremble is not questioned. No matter what religion and belief a person belongs to, the tears always flow the same. Whether the heartbreaking cries come from Muslims or non-Muslims, whether they come from yellow-skinned or black-skinned people, whether they come from Easterners or Westerners, whether they come from Gaza or Ukraine, they are all the pain of the same heart, the pain of the same heart."

"As Muslims, we must raise our voices together against injustice and oppression"

Stating that in the Islamic civilization, human beings are sacred and worthy of respect because they are human beings, President Erbaş emphasized that Islam, which considers the right to life sacred for everyone, considers being instrumental in the survival of a human being as important and valuable as the survival of the whole humanity and said, "In the face of all these sufferings and tragedies, we must make the voice of our faith and civilization heard by all humanity. As Muslims, we must develop a strong sense of solidarity and raise our voices together in the face of injustice and oppression. As members of the same faith and civilization, we must first strengthen our unity and brotherhood among ourselves."

Reminding the holy verse, “the believers are but brothers,” President Erbaş used the following expressions,” We are obliged to listen to the warning of the Almighty Allah (swt), ‘Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not dispute with one another, or you would be discouraged and weakened. Persevere! Surely Allah is with those who persevere.’ It is a fact that we, as Muslims, have always been the center of history when we act with this consciousness and fulfill the requirements of our brotherhood in the best way. When we lose this consciousness and sensitivity, unfortunately, we have been subjected to domination, invasion, and occupation by those who have ambitions and goals over

"We should bring our relations to the strongest level in every field"

Emphasizing the need to unite around the ideal of building a better future by considering all our differences as richness and walking together towards greater goals and objectives, President Erbaş continued as follows:

"We must bring our relations to the strongest level in every field. I believe that when we use our strength and potential, the doors to a life of peace, justice, tranquility, prosperity, and dignity will be opened not only for the Islamic geography but also for all humanity. As the Presidency of Religious Affairs, we are always pleased to work in cooperation with the missions of friendly and brotherly countries. We attach great importance to consultation, cooperation, and experience sharing between us and believe that this is of vital importance for our future."