Waqfah prayer by the President of Religious Affairs Erbaş

Waqfah prayer by the President of Religious Affairs Erbaş

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş performs Waqfah prayer in Arafat.

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

Diyanet İşleri Başkanı Erbaş’tan Vakfe Duası

O Allah!

O Allah, the owner of Ka’bah!

O Allah, Who has bestowed countless blessings upon us!

You have honored us with Your invitation, You have brought us together in this holy Arafat square resembling the apocalypse, You have granted us this moment that we have been longing for years, endless praise and thanks be to You.

We glorify You, we sanctify You, we are endlessly grateful for Your grace and generosity.

O Allah, accept our praise, dhikr and gratitude!

O Allah, make our hajj, waqfah, and prayer acceptable.

You are the owner of all beings.

You are the One who knows the hidden and the obvious.

You are the One who encompasses everything with Your knowledge, mercy and might.

You are the One who is exalted from all kinds of deficiencies.

Help us, O Allah, to remember You properly, to thank You properly and to worship You alone.

O Almighty Allah, Who gives peace and tranquillity to His servants and Who has bestowed the greatest blessing on mankind by sending prophets!

We salute and greet the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, the Habib-al Kibriya, whom You sent as a mercy to the worlds and set an example for all mankind with his beautiful morals. Make their honored souls aware of our love for him!

We ask You for all the good that he asked of You. We seek refuge in what he sought refuge in You.

Accept our supplication and adorn us with his morals, O Allah.

We send greetings to the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah, his distinguished companions, and all the believers who have adopted his morals as their life, and to the entire Ahl al-Islam. Keep us informed, O Allah!

We send countless salutations and greetings to Prophet Adam, Hawwa, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma’il, Hajar, and all the prophets who fought the most beautiful struggle of tawhid, mercy, truth and right, who left us cherished memories in this blessed city. May those reach their souls, O Allah.

We salute Mecca, the mother of cities, Madinah, the blessed city, and al-Quds, the holy relic.

We salute Your servants who have gathered in this square as if they have risen from their graves on the morning of the Qiyamah, and the millions of believers who weep with longing for this blessed land.

Make our salutations lead to our salvation, O Allah!


O Almighty Allah, the owner of this blessed invitation!

We heard Your call in the language of Prophet Ibrahim, we obeyed Your command and we came to Your presence as the fortunate addressees of this invitation.

Now we are facing our sins and mistakes in this place of judgement. O Allah, make us one of Your servants to whom You open the doors of goodness with Your name, al-Fattah.

As we set out on this blessed path, we left behind everything You forbid. We abandoned the desires of our nafs hoping for Your consent.

Now we leave ourselves to the breeze of this land of mercy. Forgive us in Your Name of al-Ghaffar, O Allah.

We have turned our backs on everything that increases our inclination to the world and distracts us with worldly ambitions.

Now we surrender ourselves to the flow of this river of paradise. We beg You by taking refuge in Your name, al-Rahman. Do not deprive us of Your boundless mercy, O Allah.

O Allah, the owner of the glory that triumphs over everything!

In order to gain Your consent, we have travelled with the cry of "labbayk", we have turned to You with our tongues and hearts, saying "O Allah, command, O Allah".

Accept our obedience. Do not leave our appeal unanswered, do not leave us alone and helpless, O Allah.

We put on our ihrams like a shroud. We have passed through the miqat to renew our covenant, we have opened a new page in our lives.

Accept us into Your presence, O Allah.


With Your love in our hearts, with Your dhikr on our tongues, we circumambulated the Bayt Allah, We turned towards Your glory, do not separate our hearts from the Ka'bah, O Allah.

We made sa'y between Safa and Marwa, feeling the grief and endeavor of our mother Hajar. At the beginning and end points of a quest, we flowed like a river, sometimes carrying panic, sometimes hope and enthusiasm.

You are al-Karim, do not make our sa'y vain.

We drank Zamzam in order to purify ourselves materially and spiritually, by remembering Your great name. We quenched our thirst like our mother Hajar and Prophet Isma’il, who were granted water in the dry lands.

You are al-Razzaq, quench the thirst of our hearts.

Give life to our souls which became barren.

Do not leave our hearts in arid climates, O Allah.

Now we are in Arafat square. Barefoot, bareheaded, bowed down, we have come to Your presence. We are ashamed of our sins. We are waiting as if we are waiting for the account in the judgement.

O al-Sattar! Do not make us ashamed in the court of judgement where some faces will be greyed and some faces will be darkened!

Bring us to wisdom in Arafat.

Bring us to consciousness in Muzdalifah.

Purify us from all nafsani and satanic desires in Mina.

Bring us closer to You with our sacrifices, O Allah.

O Allah!

Our soul is wounded because of our mistakes, we feel ashamed before You.

Our heart is sorrowful because of our heedlessness, we ask for forgiveness from You.

We have wronged ourselves, O Allah. What will become of us if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us!

We take refuge in Your grace, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, Your blessing. O al-Latif, O al-Muin! Do not turn our hands empty!

For the sake of the good news of our Prophet; "There are such sins that only standing in Arafat can forgive them." we ask You for our acquittal and forgiveness.

Do not send us from this Arafat square without forgiving us, O Allah.

Do not send us from this Arafat square without forgiving us, O Allah.

We present our weakness, helplessness and loneliness to You, protect us with Your infinite power, O Allah!

O Allah!

In our holy book, You say;

يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذ۪ينَ اَسْرَفُوا عَلٰٓى اَنْفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللّٰهِۜ

“O my Servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy!”

We have placed our hope in Your mercy! We ask for Your forgiveness for the sake of Your great name.

Our eyes are full of tears, but Your mercy is vast.

Our book of deeds is full of sins, but Your forgiveness is infinite.

Our state is wretched, but Your pardon is boundless.

Protect us from what we fear, O Allah.


O Almighty Allah, Who is kind and generous!

In this beautiful city, where the scent of the Prophet lingers on its stones and soil, we are reminded of the hardships that our Prophet, whom You called "My beloved", endured while preaching Islam. Our eyes well with tears, and our hearts ache when we recall his words, "I have been harmed for the sake of Allah, such that no one has been harmed." The torments he endured tears our hearts.

Once again, we find ourselves in troubled times. We are desperate and weak. We implore You with the prayers of our noble Prophet.

Do not leave us without a guardian, O Allah!

Do not leave us without help, O Allah!

In this land of guidance, we renew our oath to You. Following the example of the companions who pledged allegiance to our beloved Prophet, we make a promise to You.

We promise to obey You alone and not to deviate from the path You have shown us.

We promise to hold firmly to the two relics left to us by our Prophet, the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet.

We promise to act in accordance with the spirit of being an Ummah, to regard all believers as brothers and sisters, to hold their lives and property sacred, and to uphold their rights.

We promise to avoid actions that tarnish human dignity, not to harm any living being, not to oppress anyone, and not to submit to oppression.

Give us the strength to remain faithful to our promises, O Allah!

We promise to stand against injustice, to defend the oppressed, the innocent and the wronged, and to stand by the orphans, and the helpless.

We promise to always observe the rights of others and refrain from betraying trust, backbiting, lying, deceit, and slander, as well as from all forms of forbidden acts.

Let this land of mercy bear witness to our pledge! Let the heavens and the earth bear witness to our promise.

Make us among those who are steadfast in their words, O Allah.

Hold our hands, do not abandon us, do not leave us alone with our nafs, O Allah.

Grant us the blessing to live a life in accordance with Your will by remaining true to our pledge, O Allah.


O Allah, Who manifests His greatness with His power!

We seek refuge in Your supreme presence and eternal power from the evil of the accursed devil, his whispers, and his traps.

We seek refuge in You from the troubles of this transient world, the evil of our nafs, bad character, and bad deeds.

We seek refuge in You from deprivation and poverty.

We seek refuge in You from stinginess, laziness, and heedlessness.

We seek refuge in You from arrogance, hypocrisy, disgrace, and ignorance.

Protect us from all kinds of situations unbefitting of a Muslim, O Allah.


O Allah, Who is al-Malik and al-Quddus!

You are al-Awwal, You are al-Akhir.

You are al-Zahir, You are al-Batin.

You are al-Rahman, You are al-Rahim.

It is You who will correct our faults and provide us with piety.

Increase our enthusiasm of faith.

Increase our joy in worship.

Increase our eagerness to establish prayer.

Do not let us stray from the path of the Qur'an, which is the nourishment for our hearts and the source of healing for our souls. Make the Qur'an the spring of our hearts, O Allah.


O Almighty Allah, Whose generosity is abundant!

We ask You for a heart that believes in You with certainty, grant it to us.

We ask for a mind that comprehends the truth, grant it to us.

We ask for a heart that You have honored with Your mercy, grant it to us.

We ask for a heart that is free and safe from ignorance, grant it to us, O Allah.

We ask for a blessing that revives our lives, and we ask for forgiveness and good health that encompasses our existence.

We ask You for a long and happy life, and for abundant and blessed sustenance.

We ask for goodness and beauty both in this world and in the hereafter.

We have no one to turn to except You.

Bestow Your grace and generosity upon us, O Allah!

Do not burden us with what we cannot bear.

Do not test us with trials beyond our capacity.

You are al-Khaliq, You are al-Qadir, You are al-Muqtadir.

It is You Who brings forth the light of the morning. Illuminate our lives with Your light, O Allah.

It is You Who made the night a time of rest. Grant us to benefit from it through contemplation and Tahajjud payer, O Allah.

It is You Who creates and controls time. Make us among Your servants who know and appreciate the value of life, O Allah!


O Almighty Allah, Who has made our family a haven of tranquillity for us!

Make our homes places of worship, harmony, contentment, gratitude, and love.

Make us among Your servants who treat their families well and have good morals.

Make our spouses and children a source of joy for us!

Grant us pleasant relations, good relatives and neighbors.

Grant our children and our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters righteous spouses with whom they will find peace and tranquillity.

Show our parents forgiveness and mercy. Just as they protected and cared for us when we were young, protect them from the fire of Hell, O Allah.

O Allah, Who is al-Wadud!

Provide us with Your endless love. Make our love for You an unending treasure.

Make our children beneficial to us, our nation and humanity, and make them wise, virtuous and pious servants, O Allah!

Make them servants of Islam and the Quran. Do not let them deviate from the path of Your Habib-i al Adib. O Allah, protect us from fitnah and indecency, bad environments, harmful habits, perverted ideas and immorality.

O our Allah, protect us, our family and our generation from all kinds of accidents, troubles and disasters.

O The Owner of Dominion, O The Owner of The Universe!

Make our state, our nation, our adhan and our flag eternally enduring! 

O Allah, make our country safe and secure from all kinds of internal and external enemies that will undermine the survival of our nation and disrupt our peace and brotherhood.

Do not give an opportunity to those who try to weaken our country, to those who aim at our independence and future, to those who covet our existence and our country.

We seek refuge in You from those who use and abuse the sublime values of Islam for their ugly purposes. O Allah, invert the traps set by the oppressors, traitors, infidels and hypocrites on their own. 

O Allah, make our unity and solidarity, peace and brotherhood permanent and lasting. Protect us from being divided, disintegrated, and weak. 

O Allah, give us foresight, wisdom and strength against the enemies we know of and do not know of.

Give us strength so that our honor and our sacred homeland are not violated.

Give us strength so that no heathen’s hand ever touches the bosom of our sacred temples. 

Give us strength so that the adhan that echoes in the sky is not silenced.

Give us strength so that our flag, the symbol of our independence, never descends from the sky, O Allah!

O Allah!

Make those who fight for our religion, our nation, our homeland and our sacred values successful.

Make our heroic army, soldiers, police, all our security forces victorious in all ways, on land, in the air and at sea. 

Have mercy on all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our sacred values.

O Allah, have mercy on those veterans of ours who have passed away, and grant a healthy and good life to those who are alive. 

O Allah!

For the sake of faith that flares up within us,

For the sake of the love that rushes in our hearts,

For the love of brotherhood that ignites in our hearts,

Grant unity and solidarity to the Ummah of Islam.

Make our unity and love everlasting, O Allah!

Do not let the Ummah of Islam fall into the swamp of confusion and the abyss of division, O Allah!

O Allah, Who subjugates everything to Himself with the name al-Qahhar!

Today, the cries of Muslims and oppressed people whose lives have been turned into a prison in different geographies have risen to the sky.

The evil of those who made the world uninhabitable by disregarding humanity, law and morality has come to light.

Many Muslims were oppressed. Many Islamic lands were stained with blood. Many babies were murdered. Many mothers burst into tears.

Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings You blessed, is now shorn. Gaza turned into the home of orphans. Our hearts became fireplaces.

We supplicate to You with the sad prayers of tearful mothers and the heartbreaking sobs of orphan children.

We supplicate to You for help for humanity and the Islamic world.

Send us mercy from Your presence and show us a way out, O Allah!

Send us mercy from Your presence and show us a way out, O Allah!

O Allah, Who demeans and humiliates the oppressors!

We complain to You about those who massacred men, women, and children.

We complain to You about those who are out of the limits and those who were marked with disgrace.

You are the helper of the oppressed and the enemy of the oppressors.

Help the innocent, the sad and the oppressed against these cruel and fierce people, O Allah!

O Allah, Who comes to the aid of those who are in trouble!

Look upon us with Your mercy.

Grant the Ummah of Muhammad a life free from this violence and oppression.

Help our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are subjected to unfair, unscrupulous, unlawful and merciless attacks, O Allah!

Help the helpless people who are oppressed, suffering from hunger, famine and misery in any part of the world, O Allah!

Help the oppressed, o Allah! 

Do not leave the sighs of the innocent and the oppressed unheard by the oppressor, O Allah!

Do not leave the sighs of the innocent and the oppressed unheard by the oppressor, O Allah!

Grant us the grace to work harder to make goodness prevail on earth again, for a world where all people live in safety, where there is no fear, anxiety, hunger, misery, blood and tears. Make us capable of this cause with Your power, O Allah!

O al-Shafii, O al-Kaafi, O al-Mu'afi!

Grant immediate recovery to Your sick servants, solutions to Your servants in trouble, and easy payment to Your servants in debt. We rely on You, we trust in You, we submit to You. Protect us from financial difficulties, heartache, and mental deficiency, O Allah!

O Allah, Who is al-Rahman and al-Rahim!

Forgive all our brothers and sisters who have performed their hajj, and those who they ask for forgiveness, O Allah!

Grant this great worship to our brothers who are longing for the hajj and waiting with great hope and excitement, O Allah!

Reward Your servants whose hearts are filled with longing for Bayt Allah but who cannot find the opportunity to come here, with Your mercy and the reward of hajj, O Allah!

Have mercy on our brothers and sisters who set out with us but died befor reaching to ‘Arafat, O Allah!

Accept the worships, prayers, and intentions of all our brothers and sisters, who recite khatm, offer salat and salam, and perform dhikr and tasbih, to be submitted to You from this holy place in this blessed time.

O Allah, for all our brothers and sisters joining our prayers here, from our country, and from around the world with sighs of “amin”, realize the best of their wishes in their hearts, O Allah!  

O Almighty Allah, the owner of life and death!

Grant us completing our lives with deeds that will please You before our few breaths run out.

Take our lives as Muslims, and include us among Your righteous servants, O Allah!

Allow us to return the entrustment of life to You by reciting in our final breath, “Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu ve rasuluh” with perfect faith, O Allah!  

Honor us with Your heaven and beauty.

Make our hajj an accepted one, make our sa’y praiseworthy, and accept our waqfah.

Forgive our sins and make our hearts prosperous, O Allah!

O Allah, bless the ‘Eid-al-Adha, which we will celebrate tomorrow, and make it conducive to our unity and solidarity, our affection and brotherhood.  

Amin, amin, amin… bi hurmat al Ta-Ha wa Ya-Sin, wa salamun alal-mursalin wa al-hamdu lillahi Rabbil-alamin. Al-Fatiha.