Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Statement by the Presidency of Religious Affairs on the images at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: “The deliberately highlighted pedophilia and LGBT elements have clearly revealed the ugly face of global centers of mischief. This mindset has almost declared war against the decency and dignity of human beings and the beliefs and values of societies.”



In the age of communication, where any concept that emerges in one part of the world can influence the whole world without the limitations of time and space, we have been passing through times when humanity has been subjected to a rapid and comprehensive degeneration in terms of beliefs, values, perceptions and culture. The most grave aspect of these developments is the defenselessness of nations, societies and especially young generations in the face of the assassination of beliefs, morals and values.

Throughout history, there have been deviant understandings and practices that destroyed the human nature during periods when humanity was trapped in jahiliyyah. However, in today's world, where the possibilities of communication and interaction have reached stunning levels, the destructive impact of such approaches has become greater than ever and threatens not just a region but also the humanity as a whole. At the forefront of these approaches, which disregard the material and spiritual reality, existential value and dignity of human beings and alienate them from their essence, are the policies of “degenderizing” under the name of freedom of sexual orientation, which constitute a basis for all kinds of corruption.

Gender, which is a code imposed on human beings from birth and points to God's decision, is not a feature that the individual can decide on his/her own or change at will. There is a divine blessing and wisdom in the creation of human beings as male or female, and at the heart of all efforts to degenderize human beings lies disobedience against this divine will. The LGBT rhetoric is not a call for freedom; on the contrary, it supports dark imperialist ideologies that aim to detach human beings from the context of Allah, the universe, purpose, wisdom, and responsibility and turn them into objects of consumption in the vortex of a meaningless and purposeless life. These colorful discourses, which ignore all the values, virtues, superior and honorable qualities that make human beings human and drag them into frustration in the name of unlimited freedom, are, in reality, anti-religious and anti-moral ideological movements that aim to produce poor human beings who are homeless and rootless and grind them in their own wheels of interest.

In this context, the pedophilia and LGBT elements that were intentionally highlighted in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in France have clearly revealed the ugly face of global centers of depravity. This mindset, which turns every platform into a propaganda tool, has almost declared war against the dignity and decency of human beings and the beliefs and values of societies. A program broadcast live all over the world has turned into a display of a deviant mentality that aims to exploit the feelings and thoughts of young people around the gender line. It is a total eclipse of the reason that certain Western countries, in particular the hosting country France, overlook this disgrace that shames humanity and makes the arts and sports an instrument of such ugly propaganda. The West, known for its intolerance of beliefs, cultures, and civilizations that it has marginalized in the past, is showing that it is actually failing by acclaiming a drift that insults even the religious symbols and values of its own society.

It must be known that no concept designed to disrupt the immaculate nature of human beings, the most distinguished and precious creature on earth, no approach that degrades religious and human values, no activity that encourages indecency, can be legitimized by hiding behind the rhetoric of freedom. The policies of degenderizing, which distance people from their Lord, openly oppose the divine revelation and the warnings of all prophets and aim to destroy the family and a healthy social structure, deserve to be condemned by every person with common sense. As the family of humanity, it has become imperative to take a collective stand against these deviant conceptions to protect humanity’s future. In particular, administrators, intellectuals, religious leaders, civil society leaders, and every rational individual in Western societies have a great responsibility in this regard.

The Presidency of Religious Affairs will continue stand firmly against all kinds of discourse and actions that threaten the faith, morals, and honorable existence of human beings. It will continue to guide our youth towards the good and the right in the face of trends, particularly genderlessness, that harm their faith, sense of self, and sense of identity. We support and encourage art and sport with their qualities that add value to human beings, and hereby, we wish success to the athletes representing our country.

The Presidency of Religious Affairs

Advisory Office for Press and Public Relations